
Deltona Strong

Public Records Requests

Public Records are critical to a community being productive. We can use this information to make informed decisions on many things in our community. We can also use this information as a way to review the work the city is doing and offer a more informed opinion to our elected officials.

As such, one of the goals of the Deltona Strong organization is to begin to collect public records requests that have been filled and place them online for others to see.

However, sometimes a public records request can be costly. While that is a topic that is being looked at from other angles, it doesn’t remove the need for the request. As such, we will be starting a program where we can collect donations to use to offset the cost of some of the records requests. We are working on a method of complete transparency so that if you choose to make a donation, you can either donate in general or to a specific request. Stay tuned here as this develops.

For your information, we are posting the current Administrative Policy and Procedure below for Public Records. This is Policy Number CW06-01, made effective on August 21, 2017. This is a 10-page document outlining the need for, definition of, fulfillment process, costs, and other aspects of this policy.

Public Records Policy CW06-01 – Updated August 21, 2017
Public Records Policy CW06-01 – Updated September 14, 2017

Here are some highlights of the latest policy:

Redactions: Requests for documents that require statutory redaction of certain confidential data are calculated at two minutes/page and at the hourly rate, including benefits, of the lowest paid person capable of completing the redaction. Example: 100 pages x 2 (2 pages per minute) = 200 minutes ÷ 60 (minutes in an hour) = 3.34 x hourly rate

If a requestor makes multiple related requests in an attempt to evade these rules, the multiple requests will be aggregated and costs will be calculated as one request as to time spent and costs calculated under these policies.

If you would like to make a PRR, you can use the form below, but you are not required to use this form.

Fillable PDF Public Records Request Form

Additional detail and information can be found on the cities website.


Costs for hourly rate charges depend on the specific employee performing the work, but the costs for physical copies are as follows: